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Dentist Appointment

Pre and post sedation care

Pre sedation instructions: 


  • Do not eat any solid food for 6 hours before your appointment. You can have water (any clear liquids) up to 2 hours before your appointment.

  • Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment.

  • Please take your regular medication at the usual times with a small amount of water.

  • If you have asthma, please bring your inhaler to the appointment.

  • If you are an insulin dependant diabetic, please bring your glucose monitoring device.

  • Smoking and alcohol intake should be avoided for 24 hours prior to your appointment. The use of recreational drugs is not permitted for 48 hours prior to your appointment.

  • Ensure that you have emptied your bladder prior to going into the surgery.



Post sedation instructions: 


  • The sedation may produce TEMPORARY AMNESIA, which rarely lasts more than a few hours.

  • A responsible adult will be required to escort you home after the procedure, either by car or taxi. This person will also receive instructions about your aftercare, and should ideally remain with you for the remainder of the day (overnight in some cases).

  • Take your regular medication as usual. 

  • Please do NOT consume alcohol for the remainder of the day.

  • Avoid breastfeeding for 24 hours afterwards.

  • It can take up 24 hours for the sedative drugs to be eliminated from your body and for you to fully recover from the effects of sedation (drowsiness, loss of memory, lack of awareness and coordination, etc). Therefore, however well you may feel, please DO NOT:


- Drive a vehicle (insurance will be void) or cycle

- Use electrical equipment, cook or operate machinery

- Care for children or dependant adults

- Make important decisions, sign important documents or perform complicated tasks

- Consume alcohol, sleeping tablets, tobacco or recreational drugs


  • We do not anticipate you having any complications, should you become concerned about anything, however trivial, please contact your sedationist or our office.


Please note: to comply with guidelines and for your own safety we must insist that you have a responsible adult to take you home after your appointment. In the event that you have no escort on the day of the sedation, your appointment may be cancelled and you will be charged in full. 

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